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KB #240028: How to Install Encryptionizer SQL APIs




This article describes the steps needed to install APIs for Encryptionizer for SQL Server. If you are not able to install using the utility provided, you can install them manually

Additional Information:

Normally, Encryptionizer SQL APIs can be optionally installed during initial software installation. They can also be installed by running the Install Encryptionizer APIs included with Encryptionizer and available from the Main Menu program. However, there could be certain situations where this automated process may not be possible. In this case, you can follow this manual procedure for installing the APIs.

Using CLR (recommended for driver version 2010.201.10 or later)

Use of CLR style API’s results in faster results when running queries using Encryptionizer API’s. Additionally more complex diagnostic functions are available using CLR style API’s.

To install manually, open a query window to the SQL instance, connecting as a user with Sys Admin rights:

Enable CLR:

USE master
EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options' , 1; 
EXEC sp_configure 'clr enabled' , 1 ;

Next, Next, load and run this file (in the Master database) located in the Encryptionizer installation directory: add_udf_clr.sql


Using Extended Stored Procedures (for versions older than 2010.201.10 or those that do not want to enable CLR)

Open a query window to the SQL instance, connecting as a user with Sys Admin rights

Run the following scripts (also found in the Encryptionizer install directory) in the listed order:

  1. add_xp.sql
  2. add_udf_xp.sql (SQL 2000 and later)
  3. add_sp.sql (not included in all installations)

Related Topics:

240034: Error: Cannot resolve collation conflict for concatenation operation

Last modified: 2/23/2023
