
Consumer Trust in Cybersecurity in the New Year

I’m sure that if Blackberry had conducted this survey in the 90s—if they had asked people their level of trust in purchasing ‘smart’ cars, TVs, security cameras or drones—respondents would’ve taken one look at a VHS copy of The Terminator and given a flat nope. Today, the reaction seems to be just that, if perhaps… Read More

It’s the season of giving (away your data)

Some more news this week: Facebook keeps faceplanting, and now Twitter also joins in the fun. In the latter case, the avian-logo’d social media platform has announced that an error in their support forms potentially exposed country codes of users’ phone numbers to anyone interested.  This might not seem like a major incident compared to… Read More

Learning From Data Breaches

WIRED has a new analysis on the current state of data breaches, the long, chaotic path that brought us to this point, and where we might be headed.  It’s a comprehensive read, the core message of which is that organizations have indeed made strides over the past few decades to take cybersecurity more seriously, there… Read More

Marriott Breach Transcends Cybersecurity

It’s no surprise that the Marriott data breach, announced the other day, has once again elicited sharp criticism and concerns that incidents of this magnitude have potential ripple effects far beyond the tech industry.  It should also be no surprise that I view this sentiment to be 100% true.  The nature and scope of the… Read More

LinkedIn’s overeager networking lands them in trouble

During Mark Zuckerberg’s congressional testimony on the Cambridge Analytica data scandal, it came out that a personality app quiz on Facebook had accessed information not only on those who took it, but their friends as well.  This private database on some 50 million users was then shared with Cambridge Analytica. Unfortunately, it appears that LinkedIn… Read More

More is More: Cybersecurity Trends to Watch

As we wind down to the end of the year, it’s always important to take stock of where the current state of cybersecurity stands, and anticipate the paths it will take in the year to come.  Looking at just such an article from Health Data Management, I’d say what we can expect is, perhaps unsurprisingly,… Read More

Protecting Voter Data and Election Security

You would be hard pressed this week not to find election security stories from news and especially tech outlets.  And for good reason.  I don’t know if there has ever been a U.S. election where the security of the ballot was under greater scrutiny.  For the most part, with the results already in, no more… Read More

Protecting your data when others don’t

While browsing for current cybersecurity stories, I came across this recent article.  Writing for The Hill, 4iQ CEO Monica Pal makes a salient point. For all the news they make and all the trouble they face, companies like Facebook and Google are not ultimately the ones due the most concern.  Google+ has now gone under,… Read More

What Finally Ended Google+

It’s not often that a security breach will result in a company, especially a massive entity like Google, shutting down a major service.  And yet, that is exactly what’s happening with Google+ in the wake of the company’s latest data scandal. This is not to say this incident was the sole determinant in this decision. … Read More

Who do consumers trust with their data?

Protip: If you’re going to share your login credentials for entertainment accounts like Netflix or Hulu, as many millennials are doing, make sure your password is unique and not also used for other accounts. Though some may have the mistaken notion that a millennial is anyone under the age of forty, it is true that… Read More
