Medical Device Encryption

Medical Device EncryptionThe use of medical devices across healthcare organizations and providers is increasing almost exponentially. They serve as an important access point for communicating, sharing, collecting and analyzing medical data. They also represent a highly vulnerable security risk for these same reasons.

Part of the growing network of our “connected life” – the Internet of things – we’ve seen a drastic increase in data breaches due to a lack of proper security measures put in place. Hospitals and other healthcare organizations must ensure medical devices, which are increasingly connected to the Internet, hospital networks as well as other devices, are secured.

According to the FDA, which allows devices to be marketed when there is a reasonable assurance that the benefits to patients outweigh the risks, their recommendations for mitigating and managing cybersecurity threats include:

  • Medical device manufacturers and health care facilities should take steps to ensure appropriate safeguards. Manufacturers are responsible for remaining vigilant about identifying risks and hazards associated with their medical devices, including risks related to cybersecurity. They are responsible for putting appropriate mitigations in place to address patient safety risks and ensure proper device performance.
  • Hospitals and health care facilities should evaluate their network security and protect their hospital systems.

At NetLib Security, we understand cybersecurity threats cannot be completely eliminated; however, working with hospitals, providers, healthcare organizations, and device manufacturers, we provide you with the tools to protect, manage and defend against them.

For the developers of Medical Devices, here is a snapshot of how easy it is to deploy Encryptionizer and protect sensitive stored data – as part of your new devices or your legacy products:

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