
COVID-19 creates new cybersecurity concerns

It certainly seems like civilization has come to a halt under the assault of the coronavirus, but one area that hasn’t stopped is cybercrime.  One virus breeds another. In fact, cyber criminals are, not surprisingly, taking advantage of the global situation and people’s concerns for their own ends.  According to Kaspersky, phishing schemes and malware… Read More

Healthcare costs from a data breach

If you’re looking for a clear and specific financial impact data breaches have on healthcare organizations, look no further than a new study from the Ponemon Institute, which conducts research on data protection.  One statistic that puts things into stark relief is how healthcare providers lose an average of about $2.75 million per data breach,… Read More

How do people respond to breached companies?

The importance of consumer trust for a business is something worth emphasizing from time to time.  People are more likely to do business with companies that haven’t experienced data breaches, especially major ones. A study by Security.org is the most recent survey to bear this out, as a portion of its respondents expressed.  Over 1,000… Read More

App security, and breach reports from government agencies

Reports on data breaches and concerns over data security only increase in number and magnitude as time goes by.  All you have to do to see the evidence is examine any data security incident. This is especially true in Canada, where reports occurred six times more in 2019 than in 2018.  Thanks to the Personal… Read More

Ransomware causing cyber insurance to spike

As expected, the pervasive spread of ransomware has presented an increasing threat across all industries.  According to Reuters, it has become such a problem that cyber insurance premiums are spiking, some as much as a 25% increase. It’s interesting to consider all the factors that go into this.  No longer do insurance companies have to… Read More

Personal information at risk at all times and places

This week is coming out with new data breach stories on an international scale.  Between Mitsubishi and NEC, 2020 has not seen a great start for cybersecurity in major Japanese firms.  Last week, Mitsubishi Electric revealed that the company had been hacked in June, exposing personal and corporate data, including, potentially, some trade secrets.  According… Read More

Investing in Data Security

Companies and executives who want to ensure maximum cyber safety for their organization should pay attention to Cisco’s recently published study.  According to their Data Privacy Benchmark Study 2020, those who invest in data privacy find it worth their while, with seven of 10 seeing an average return of 270%. What this equates to is… Read More

Facial recognition tech leveraging your social media

As the EU contemplates a temporary ban on facial recognition technology, companies who provide such a service might soon be in legal trouble anyway.  A startup named Clearview AI is one such firm.  Clearview offers an application exclusively for law enforcement that leverages facial data scraped from the Internet.  Clearview relies on social media platforms… Read More

Hospital closures and a billion exposed medical images

According to Bloomberg data, at least 30 hospitals in the US went bankrupt in 2019.  Aside from my opinion that this is probably not a concept indicative of a healthy society, cybersecurity lists among the several reasons behind the struggles. Last year, around 40 breaches per month plagued the healthcare industry.  Amid all their other… Read More

Types of data hackers target and the best defenses

I want to highlight a crucial insight from Samantha Ann Schwartz at CIO Dive: in cybersecurity, “success is measured by silence.”  Which means failure is defined as making headlines for a data breach. I can’t help but predict that this year will be pretty noisy. Protecting critical data becomes more complicated every year (really every… Read More
