
Can Zoom’s new security initiatives win back users?

Before the outbreak of COVID-19, I can’t help but wonder how widely known Zoom was.  I had certainly never heard of it, but everyone seems to be using the service these days.  With fame, however, comes the spotlight and scrutiny.  If the company hadn’t been prioritizing their security, this Zoom boom is certainly making them… Read More

About that San Francisco Airport breach

Last week we covered security for travel by sea, this week we take a look at the sky.  Not that air travel is as prominent right now as it usually is, but don’t expect that to deter cyber criminals.  Airports are still a massive trove of personal information, and hackers are exploiting the COVID chaos… Read More

Phishing schemes and cruise line breaches

With industries around the world struggling to cope with COVID-19, and many smaller businesses especially hurting financially, it is crucial to avoid falling prey to cyber criminals and further disruption.  Phishing schemes, and not just COVID-related ones, continue to be an insidious way to exploit people’s trust or fears for the phishers’ own purposes. Phishing… Read More

Statement on COVID-19

To our NetLib Security community, COVID-19 has impacted global civilization in unprecedented ways. Our thoughts go out to everyone who has been personally affected by Coronavirus. People’s health and well-being is always of the utmost importance, and that is especially true now. We want you to know that we continue to attentively monitor the situation… Read More

What are the best COVID-19 cybersecurity tips?

Looking for tips on how to approach cybersecurity during this pandemic?  Let’s explore a few of the most necessary steps.  After all, by now the impact of COVID-19 has likely made its way to your organization, and like countless others, your employees are now working remotely.  Perhaps you have a minimal skeleton crew still on… Read More

Healthcare providers and COVID security incidents

I’ve heard on the grapevine that there are hackers out there pledging not to target healthcare institutions for the duration of this global COVID-19 pandemic.  I guess it’s only a small number in this camp, as cyber attacks against the industry have pretty much continued unabated.  Hospitals and providers remain the targets of constant attacks,… Read More

COVID-19 creates new cybersecurity concerns

It certainly seems like civilization has come to a halt under the assault of the coronavirus, but one area that hasn’t stopped is cybercrime.  One virus breeds another. In fact, cyber criminals are, not surprisingly, taking advantage of the global situation and people’s concerns for their own ends.  According to Kaspersky, phishing schemes and malware… Read More

Healthcare costs from a data breach

If you’re looking for a clear and specific financial impact data breaches have on healthcare organizations, look no further than a new study from the Ponemon Institute, which conducts research on data protection.  One statistic that puts things into stark relief is how healthcare providers lose an average of about $2.75 million per data breach,… Read More

How do people respond to breached companies?

The importance of consumer trust for a business is something worth emphasizing from time to time.  People are more likely to do business with companies that haven’t experienced data breaches, especially major ones. A study by Security.org is the most recent survey to bear this out, as a portion of its respondents expressed.  Over 1,000… Read More

App security, and breach reports from government agencies

Reports on data breaches and concerns over data security only increase in number and magnitude as time goes by.  All you have to do to see the evidence is examine any data security incident. This is especially true in Canada, where reports occurred six times more in 2019 than in 2018.  Thanks to the Personal… Read More
