
Major Factors in Retail Breaches and Cyber Insecurity

Commonalities underlie many fields of interest.  Whether it be in similar story and character beats in books or films, gameplay mechanics in different video games, or a play drawn up for a basketball team; despite seemingly infinite variations and iterations, if you dig down deep enough, it becomes apparent that there are only so many… Read More

Small Businesses At Even Greater Risk

Larger enterprises dominate the headlines when a data breach strikes.  Target, Experian, Anthem, you name it.  They have no trouble drawing media attention, whether they like it or not.  Unsurprisingly, a business’ size is inversely proportional to the coverage its own breaches receive, which usually go under the radar as far as the average person… Read More

New Commission Will Try to Solve Encryption Debate

I don’t think I’ve ever written on the same subject three times in a row.  When the situation changes on an almost daily basis, however, it becomes hard to ignore.  There is no shortage of updates on the confrontation between Apple and the Justice Department, and this week is the intended time for two Congressmen… Read More

Presidential Candidates Stumble About in Apple Encryption Case

Although “Jeb!” has now reverted to “Jeb” as he withdraws from the presidential race, the narrowing field is still full of candidates who, even if they do have a somewhat decent grasp of the information when it comes to encryption, nevertheless try to straddle the fence instead of acknowledging the realities of the situation.  During his… Read More

Apple Opposes FBI in the Encryption Debate

Donald Trump likes to paint himself as the ultimate Washington outsider.  To be fair, he has a point.  All his blustering and posturing has even his own party hating him.  On certain issues, however, he seems to fit right in with the dominant administrative modus operandi; in this case, encrypted devices.  The big news yesterday… Read More

New Survey Finds the Crippling Cost of a Data Breach: Priceless

The results are in, and word is out, from the US, UK, France, Germany, and a number of other European countries.  1,000 non-IT business managers were surveyed across these nations by NTT Com Security on the subject of cybersecurity, data protection, and organizational preparedness and cost.  The most telling statistic reveals a trend that has… Read More

Securing Customer Data

The United States still lacks any centralized, formal legislation at the federal level regarding the security of the electronic transmission of personal data.  Instead, companies rely on a sectoral approach, combining other means of regulation in addition to government policy, which often differs by state (see the nationwide patchwork that is the set of data… Read More

The National Cybersecurity Protection System is giving Einstein a bad rap

According to Panda Security’s PandaLabs, 2015 saw the highest number of recorded cyber attacks yet, confirming what everyone expects, virtually on a yearly basis.  What, with the 230,000 new malware samples created daily, millions of Trojans and other viruses, is it any wonder that this trend only looks to increase this year? Reports like this,… Read More

Encryption not an issue for NSA

Any time a ranking member of a top intelligence group, like the National Security Agency, seems to be in agreement with the sentiments of privacy advocates, you can bet things aren’t as chummy as all that.  Even if it’s a refreshing break from the usual governmental discourse.  Ordinarily, on the subject of encryption, we get… Read More

Internet Service Providers and Your Privacy

Last year, a heated national debate came to a satisfactory end when the Federal Communications Commission reinstated net neutrality rules without destroying the Internet.  When the rule was overturned the year before, one of the ways the agency could impose it again, according to the court, was to make net neutrality less like common-carrier regulations,… Read More
