Human-Machine Innovation and Cooperation
I have written precisely one article on the subject of Artificial Intelligence—particularly as it pertains to the future of cybersecurity. Now comes the time to pen another, as the topic continues to steadily gain tread among experts across the industry. Last week’s CES event heavily featured AI technology, to the point where what was once… Read More
The Future Security of the Internet of Things
One interesting concept I’ve come across recently is something perhaps all of us who cover cybersecurity news and the tech industry are culpable in perpetuating. Dubbed “security fatigue” by Tom Pendergast, Ph.D., chief strategist of Security, Privacy and Compliance at MediaPro, it predicts there will be people who start to believe that protecting their personal… Read More
Wintertime Data Raids
The holiday season has arrived, which of course means winter is once again upon us. As each day bites colder, it brings to mind people in other times and place, who have had to deal with truly frigid conditions: such as what the medieval Norsemen encountered when they sailed to Iceland. A bitter winter is… Read More
Employees and Third Parties and the Risks They Pose
For any number of reasons, be it active intent or, less maliciously, ignorant blunder, employees continue to be one of the weakest links in the data security chain. When that person works for a third party business associate, the risk is compounded, since an organization has even less control and awareness of their actions. I’ve… Read More
The Legacy of Legacy Applications
All things decay over time. So it is with the security of “legacy” software. Antiquated versions of an organization’s Windows and even (gasp!) DOS applications, some even built a decade or two ago, eventually become outdated. Perhaps millions of these applications are still in use out there in the wild, holding sensitive information for which… Read More
EHR Vulnerabilities and AI Safeguards
Who would have thought that Dwight Schrute’s blustering outrage would only become more relevant year by year? While it was a funny prank on that episode of The Office, identity theft is now less of a joke than it has ever been. Businesses handle more and more customer data, and the bad guys always seem… Read More
Security on the Ballot
In case you somehow missed the ubiquitous reminders, today is Election Day, where you get to exercise your civic rights at the polls (make sure to stretch first). Much has been made recently of the security of voting machines, and their susceptibility to outside cyber intrusion. Stories about Russian hackers targeting government agencies have only… Read More
Healthcare industry leaving neck exposed to cyber attacks
In a recent report that’s no doubt of great interest to the bloodsucking undead, Australia’s recent data breach—its largest ever—exposed around 1.3 million records, affecting 550,000 people who donated blood to the Red Cross. An anonymous source discovered that a 1.74 GB file containing this information had been posted to a public site, and alerted… Read More
Your guide to the seven types of malicious hackers
Originally published at: InfoWorld.Com Copyright: InfoWorld When I learned over the weekend that hackers had planted malware on a Nasdaq Web server, I wasn’t exactly surprised. It’s the rare company that isn’t owned by hackers. Even the most well-defended organization will likely find itself under attack by outsiders. Whether you’re attacked today or tomorrow,… Read More
Dyn DDoS Attack Reveals IoT Security Failures
It looks like security in the Internet of Things, whose vulnerabilities has been a topic among tech experts for some time now, might finally have been exposed to the light of the mainstream. First, though: DDoS attacks are not hacks. I just want to get that out there right off the bat. It’s a common… Read More