
Looking Back – and Ahead – in Data Security

In the world of data security, 2022 was another year of remote and hybrid work, expanded attack surfaces, and bold cyber criminals employing sophisticated methods to carry out their schemes. Organizations around the globe have also had to comply with numerous new regulations that give consumers more control over their personal data. What does this… Read More

Remote Work: Protecting Critical Data in a Hybrid Environment

Remote work is here to stay. One of the most enduring legacies of COVID has been the movement of personnel away from the office. Whether hybrid or full-time, employees who work remotely pose a new set of challenges for IT managers who need to protect sensitive data on a variety of devices. The number of… Read More

The Right Encryption Software For Developers and DBAs

The need to protect personally identifiable information (PII), protected health data (PHI), and payment card industry data (PCI) has become more critical as hacking incidents continue to become more frequent and costly. Cybersecurity Ventures expects global cybercrime costs to grow by 15 percent per year over the next five years, reaching over $10 trillion annually…. Read More

Key Management: Your Locksmith For Data Security

You’ve taken the first step toward securing your enterprise by encrypting your databases and critical files. Hopefully you’ve used a state-of-the-art encryption solution such as NetLib Security’s Encryptionizer, which employs highly secure AES algorithms and 256-bit encryption to make your “data at rest” (the information stored in your files, databases, and backups) unreadable to any… Read More

Legacy Systems Are Not Secure. Fixing Them Is Easy.

“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” So the old adage goes. But that advice might be as outdated as your software. It’s typical for companies to rely on systems that have been running for years. These legacy systems are antiquated, but continue to perform important business functions. The original programmers are gone, but they’ve… Read More

Protect Your Business from Malicious Hackers

An astounding 64% of companies worldwide have experienced at least one form of cyber attack. And because the pandemic accelerated the shift to telecommuting, many corporations have not had a chance to update their security protocols to deal with the risks inherent in remote work. This has created a tempting target for malicious actors who… Read More

Compliance. Ignoring It Can Cost Your Business. 

Businesses are powered by data. Data is the language of our personal and professional interactions. Every transaction you make requires sharing your data with one or more partners. It is the responsibility of those business partners to protect your data and that’s where compliance plays a critical role. Government agencies around the globe have recognized… Read More

Database Encryption: The Most Crucial Defensive Strategy for Your Information

Database encryption must be a part of your data protection strategy. The news is full of stories of breaches, hacks and other cyber attacks. Why? Because private information is valuable! Cyber thieves target sensitive details – passwords, social security numbers, and other private information that can be sold on the Dark Web. Yet many companies… Read More

Privacy Laws in 2022

What’s New? COVID-19 has impacted not only our personal and professional lives, but has also continued to affect every industry, whether directly or indirectly. As our routines have moved to a “new normal” of remote work and online processes, the need for online security has expanded greatly. More states have begun to expand security regulations… Read More

Data Security Best Practices For Businesses in 2022

Cybersecurity is more important today than ever before. It is imperative that security policies are made and reviewed now before there is a breach. With over 20 years as a pioneer in data security, below are proven best practices we, at NetLib Security, have compiled to help you simplify security and transparently protect stored data… Read More
